The family of Trinity builds and nurtures the bonds of faith through love, learning, and sharing with others.
Core Values
Faithfulness to God’s Word . . . Integrity . . . Compassion . . . Family Focused . . . Engagement in Service . . . Welcoming to All People
The family of Trinity Lutheran Church welcomes all people to share in the life of the Christian faith in worship, friendship, and service.
Critical Targets
Faithful Worship . . . Christian Education . . . Healthy Christian Homes . . . Caring Relationships in Christ . . . Robust Community Connectivity & Outreach
Our Ministries
Upcoming events:
October 5 -- Ladies Potluck Salad Luncheon @ 11:30 a.m., gym
October 8 -- Men's Night Out -- 6:00 p.m. @ The Roost on Sunshine
October 12 -- Marriage in God's Way Seminar -- 8:30 a.m. @ Redeemer
October 17 -- TWIA Quarterly Meeting -- 6:00 p.m., gym
October 21 -- Women's Night Out -- 6:00 p.m. @ Habanero's Mexican Restaurant on Campbell
October 25-26 -- Father & Son Retreat @ Heit's Point Camp
October 30 -- Halloween Trunk or Treat @ 6:00 p.m. (click to sign up to host a trunk)
November 3 -- Estate Planning @ 12:30 p.m.
November 3 -- Bass Pro Marathon route map
November 8-10 -- Jr. High Confirmation Retreat @ Heit's Point Camp
November 24 -- Congregational Meeting @ 9:30 a.m. and Congregational Thanksgiving Dinner @ 12:30 p.m.
November 27 -- Thanksgiving Eve services @ Noon and 7:00 p.m.
December 4, 11, 18 -- Advent Services @ Noon & 7:00 p.m.