Family Life Ministry:
Family Ministry is the work that we do at Trinity to draw families into our church to receive God's gifts.
What is Family Discipleship?
Family discipleship is the work that is done in the home to raise up disciples of Jesus Christ. This is primarily done by parents and caregivers on a daily basis.
Celebrating generational wisdom and support at Trinity
Annually on the 1st Weekend in Jan.
Bible Blessing Milestones
The Family Life Ministry Committee provides age-appropriate bibles to members at 3-years-old and 6-years-old, as a resource for each child's household. These are provided quarterly during the Divine Service on Family Sundays (generally 5th Sundays).
Family Life Events & Activities
The Family Life Committee at Trinity sponsors Family Life Events/Activities (FLEA) about three times a year. The Story Bible FLEA for 3 and 6-year-olds and their parents is annually on the last Sunday in September (see pictures below).
Trinity's Family Life Committee
The Family Life Committee provides take-home resources, gifts, milestone celebrations, and educational and intergenerational events to support the family discipleship of every household at Trinity.
Please contact Hannah Knehans or the Committee Chair, Amy Scheer, if you'd like to get involved!