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Adult Bible




Sunday Morning Classes:





Wednesday Morning Class:

10:30am (Sept.-May)


Monday Morning Faith Foundations (a women's bible study):

Wednesday Evening Classes:

9:15am (Sept.-May)


6:30pm (Aug. - Mar.)


Sunday Morning


Hymnology - The Study of our Lutheran Hymnody -- Vicar Ben, gym

Judges - Bob Quebbeman - Woker Room



Dr. Bob Quebbeman's class is studying the book of Judges. The book is a deuteronomic interpretation of Israel's history from the death of Joshua up to the birth of Samuel that displays their need for a centeralized government.

A Man Named Martin - Zeke Young - Family Room



In A Man Named Martin Zeke Young will walk through the videos that focus on Martin Luther, his teachings, the reformation, and the nailing of the 95 Theses.

Senior High Youth - Josh Sexton - Youth Room



Youth from 9th-12th grade meet to discuss Scripture and its application to high school life.

Weekly Studies:

Monday Morning:

Women's Bible Study

Of all the books of the Bible, the book of Ezekiel is probably one of the least read and understood by Christians today. It concerns a time far in the past and a land far away from us there in America with oracles and visions that are quite frankly rather bizarre. And yet God's grace and mercy toward His people are found all over this obscure and sometimes disturbing book. Join Pastor Hagerman as we read through Ezekiel in its entirety and learn how it speaks to His church today each Monday morning.

Faith Foundations: Ezekiel

Pastor Hagerman - Gym



Wednesday Morning:

Adult Bible Study

New Testament Historical Survey

Pastor Hagerman - Gym



Wednesday Evening:

Midweek Adult Bible Studies

Parenting in God’s Way-Have you ever felt inadequate, ill-equipped, or unconfident in your role as a parent? You're not alone! Since we live in a sinful world, parenting is not easy. But God gives us biblical tools and strategies that will help you and your family thrive as you grow in faith together. In this class we’ll cover various topics including time management, technology safety and use, discipline, at-home faith formation through prayer, family devotions, and more! Throughout each class we’ll cover biblical ways to handle difficult situations and conversations, build trust with your children, teach repentance and forgiveness, and help children grow in their faith. Parents with children of any age will benefit from this class as we join in group discussions and learn from many different biblical resources. Every week will be different so don’t hesitate to join us at any time! Facilitated by Jody Hackley and Hannah Knehans, DFLM

Parenting in God's Way

Hannah Knehans (DFLM) - Family Room

Jody Hackley



Bonus Content
Theories of Atonement: An Overview

Use the link to jump to a  video on TLC's YouTube Page discussing theories of atonement, and biblical support to the ways in which Jesus'  death and resurrection brings us salvation.  Leader: Pastor Hagerman  Date: 9.12.22

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