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What We Believe:
The Christian Faith
With the universal Christian Church, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod teaches and responds to the love of the Triune God: the Father, creator of all that exists; Jesus Christ, the Son, who became human to suffer and die for the sins of all human beings and to rise to life again in the ultimate victory over death and Satan; and the Holy Spirit, who creates faith through God’s Word and Sacraments. The three persons of the Trinity are coequal and coeternal, one God.
To see more information about our practices and beliefs, please view The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
Lutheran Heritage
We are a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church that strives to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our church and community.
Trinity's Mission and Vision
The family of Trinity Lutheran Church welcomes all people to share in the life of the Christian faith in worship, friendship, and service.
The family of Trinity builds and nurtures the bonds of faith through love, learning, and sharing with others.